
Transparent As A Dragonfly

4 Mar 2024 – 9 Mar 2024

Regular hours

Mon, 04 Mar
10:00 – 18:00
Tue, 05 Mar
10:00 – 18:00
Wed, 06 Mar
10:00 – 18:00
Thu, 07 Mar
10:00 – 18:00
Fri, 08 Mar
10:00 – 18:00
Sat, 09 Mar
10:00 – 18:00

Free admission

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Bermondsey Project Space

England, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • C10 Victoria to Canada Water (Stop F Bermondsey Street)
  • London Bridge - Borough
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
Event map

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Italo Calvino’s birth, we are delighted to announce the joint Arte Borgo | ArtCan exhibition ‘Transparent as a Dragonfly’


The title for the exhibition is taken from a passage in Calvino’s Invisible Cities: “Perhaps everything lies in knowing what words to speak, what actions to perform, and in what order and rhythm; or else someone’s gaze, answer, gesture is enough; it is enough for someone to do something for the sheer pleasure of doing it, and for his pleasure to become the pleasure of others: at that moment, all spaces change, all heights, distances; the city is transfigured, becomes crystalline, transparent as a dragonfly” (p.140 ‘Invisible Cities’ Vintage, Random House 1997).

Participating artists are based throughout the UK and EU. The travelling exhibition opened from 4th – 18th October 2023 in Rome at the Arte Borgo Gallery, generating an enthusiastic response and extensive public attendance, before travelling to London to Bermondsey Project Space.

Exhibiting artists include: Axel Becker, Serafino Botticelli, Lesley Bunch, Paola Ceci, Tere Chad, Francesca Ciaudano, Felicia Cleper-Borkovi AIA, Alan Codd, Benedict Collins Rice, Phil Cope, Roberta De Caro, Luigi De Leonibus, Stathis Dimitriadis, Antonio Esposito, Diane Frost, Waltraud Gemein, Silvio Gorelli, Cathy Green, Monika Hartl, Rian Hotton, Catherine Jacobs, Silvana Landolfi, Sandy Layton, OXALEA – Léa Layeux, Lola Llinares, Andrea Lobel, Lawrence Mathias, Rebecca Moss Guyver, Maria Pacheco Cibils, Hedy Parry-Davies, Ada Pasta, Desa Philippi, Jane Pryor, Luciano Puzzo, Paulina Ree, Maria Stamati, Anna Tonelli, Rebecca Tucker, Maz Weineck.

Curators Anna Isopo and Martina Scavone of Arte Borgo, Lesley Bunch and Rita Carta Manias of ArtCan invited artists to choose a line, passage or chapter from the book ‘Invisible Cities’, and propose work in response to it.


Anna Isopo

Rita Carta Manias

Lesley Bunch

Martina Scavone

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Stathis Dimitriadis

Maz Weineck

Rebecca Tucker

Anna Tonelli

Maria Stamati

Paulina ree

Luciano Puzzo

Jane Pryor

Desa Philippi

Ada Pasta

Hedy Parry-Davies

Maria Pacheco Cibils

Rebecca Moss Guyver

Lawrence Mathias

Andrea Lobel

Lola Llinares

OXALEA – Léa Layeux

Sandy Layton

Silvana Landolfi

Catherine Jacobs

Rian Hotton

Monika Hartl

Cathy Green

Silvio Gorelli

Waltraud Gemein

Diane Frost

Antonio Esposito

Axel Becker

Serafino Botticelli

Lesley Bunch

Paola Ceci

Tere Chad

Francesca Ciaudano

Felicia Cleper-Borkovi AIA

Alan Codd

Benedict Collins Rice

Phil Cope

Roberta de Caro

Luigi De Leonibus

Taking part

ArtCan Organisation

ArtCan Organisation


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