TRADING STATION: Liverpool Biennial 2012
22 Sep 2012 – 13 Oct 2012
- Carlisle Building
- 67 Victoria Street
- Liverpool
- L1 6DE
- United Kingdom
TRADING STATION: Liverpool - Istanbul
TRADING STATION is POST's second project exchanging within Istanbul which seeks to uncover methods for artists to work together internationally, making the most of personal relationships and finding useful ways to develop work together using virtual methods.Four invited Turkish Artists are participating in the project, together with the five core members of POST and their platforms for delivery include a series of four newspapers detailing their research, development and exchange. The newspaper publications provide a space to share the development process of this exchange model with a wider audience in both Turkey and the UK. The results of this exchange process will culminate in an exhibition at Curve Gallery during Liverpool Biennial 2012, including two Open Conversation events that will profile the artists involved with invited guests and audience members.
OPEN CONVERSATION: 22nd September & 6th October 14.00 - 16.00
POST is a co-curatorial body of artists based in the North West of England who explore, within an inter-disciplinary context, strategies for dialogue, dissemination and exhibition. Their foundation is to build upon collaborative relationships for all involved. Five women currently make up the core of the organisation, with a growing number of associate artists who have participated in previous projects nationally and internationally.
Nancy Atakan (Istanbul)
AtilKunst: Gulcin Aksoy, Yasemin Nur Toksoy, Gozde Ilkin (Istanbul)
Cecilia Kinnear (Liverpool)
Susan Meyerhoff Sharples (Liverpool)
Amanda Oliphant (Liverpool)
Claire Weetman (Liverpool)
Robyn Woolston (Liverpool)