
Then and Now

1 Dec 2023 – 1 Feb 2024

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00

Timezone: Europe/London

Free admission

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Hosted by: ArtCan Organisation


Then & Now is a group exhibition curated by Kate Enters and presented by ArtCan.org, the prominent non profit artist community, from December 1st, 2023 to February 1st, 2024.


Then & Now is a group exhibition curated by Kate Enters and presented by ArtCan.org, the prominent non profit artist community, from December 1st, 2023 to February 1st, 2024. The exhibition features artists’ works that reflect on their passage of time as creatives over the past 10 years. These works remind them, or tell a story, of where they have come from, or where they are confidently now. 

Artists are reflections and barometers of society - they record the world around them, whether sub-consciously or more determinedly obvious through the visual language they chose to use.

Then & Now is an exhibition that celebrates this visual language and in turn acknowledges the passing of time and events that have shaped contemporary artists in today's society. To reach a wider audience, the exhibition is on view in the ArtCan virtual gallery.


Kate Enters

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Laurence de Valmy

Laurence de Valmy

Zane Shumeiko

Uta Feinstein

Svetlana Atlavina

Shivani Mathur

Shilpa Agashe

Samantha Schneider

Sal Jones

Sal Jones

Patricia Dubois

Pamela Ormston -

Orsina Pasargiklian

Olga Mikhaseva

Nikhi Aum

Nic Gear

Martin Davis

Mark Thibeault

Marcia Harding

Mahrukh Khan -

Laura Parker

Kristina Kozlitina

Katie Preston

Katie Hallam

Kate Marsden

Juli Fejer

Hayam Elsayed

Hayam Elsayed

Hana Horack-Elyafi

Francesca Apicella

Francesca Apicella

Frances Bloomfield

Eddie Hall

Clara Wilkinson

Christian Gastaldi

Catherine Greenwood -

Cath Stocker

Carole Bury

Carol Ann Eades

andy farr

Abigail Weston


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