This group exhibition in the Maschinenhaus M2 examines the need to critically question historical narratives. At the latest since globalisation has made its influence felt, a re-evaluation of historiography has become necessary: it is no longer a simple collection of data and facts, a linear sequence of clearly defined events. Instead, historiography is always also read under the conditions of a prevailing ideology. Today as well, there are increasing attempts to control the interpretation of history—first and foremost by anti-democratic forces around the world. By uncovering previously hidden or suppressed facts, the artists in the exhibition work on the deconstruction of such efforts, on the personification of history through personal experiences and biographical facts, as well as on historical correctives.
Artists: Yael Bartana, Ramesch Daha, Anna Dasović, Jean-Ulrick Désert, Aslan Goisum (Gaisumov), Andrew Gilbert, Maryam Jafri, Larissa Sansour/Søren Lind, Nadia Kaabi-Linke, Zartosht Rahimi, Maja Weyermann, Akram Zaatari
The exhibition is curated by Kathrin Becker.