Textual bodies: Online Studio Visit with Adam Walker
28 Jul 2020
Regular hours
- Tue, 28 Jul
- 12:00 – 13:00
Timezone: Europe/London
- Language: English
- Join the event
Adam Walker will show current and recent performances, texts, moving-image and digital projects.
Adam Walker will show current and recent performances, texts, moving-image and digital projects, sharing his ongoing critical exploration of the relationship between the human and abstracting, increasingly textual structures affecting contemporary life. In conversation with curator Hang Li, Adam will discuss the urgent need for speculative profferings of other ways of being in addressing and contesting self-perpetuating structures of inequality. Our human messiness, irrationality, desire and relationality will be considered in both vulnerability and also the potential for resistant agency. The studio visit will respond to the interests of those who attend, with questions and comments being welcome.
Adam Walker's recent projects, performances and exhibitions have taken place at and with the Serpentine Gallery, NEoN Digital Arts Festival and Tyneside Cinema (UK), Izolyatsia and Yermilov Centre (Ukraine) and online at www.skelf.org.uk. He is soon to complete his PhD at the Royal College of Art.
The event is organised as part of Sense-Making for Sharing Sensibilities, a one-day event opening up discussions on the approaches to gaining shared recognition and to channelling social actions as critical forms of collective sense-making.
Sense-Making for Sharing Sensibilities belongs to IN THE REALM OF RE-SENSING, a RCA 2020 SOAH Research Programme.
For the first time in its history, the RCA's renowned graduate show will this year take place online as a digital discovery platform – RCA2020. Visit 2020.rca.ac.uk from 16-31 July to see more.