13 Sep 2014 – 17 Sep 2014
Hoxton Arches V.
London, United Kingdom
Free to submit. £60 to exhibit. No comission taken from sales.
Sweet 'Art are seeking artists for their next hotly anticipated show!
Call For Artists
This time taking place in March 2015, we are seeking artists identifying as any gender whose works are of any media including painting, illustration, sculpture, installation, film and performance. All works must explore the theme of femininity, feminine identity and women’s day. This can be an exploration of the female form, gender identity, feminist issues, social and political issues and constructs or personal accounts and perspectives. Works can celebrate, critique, challenge, ridicule and reflect notions of femininity in our society and internationally.
Selected artists will be given the opportunity to exhibit in the spacious, well lit and professionally finished Espacio Gallery, located in the heart of London’s art scene and only a stone’s throw from Brick Lane.
The show will be installed by experienced curators, and invitations, press releases, promotion and opening reception/private view will be organized to the highest spec. along with the usual Sweet ‘Art freebies and surprises!
There is no fee to submit your work and those whose work is accepted will be asked to pay a £60 fee to exhibit. Sweet’Art take no commission on sales. Works will need to be available and dropped off at the gallery on the 29th March between 7-9pm. The show will run from the 31st of March to the 5th of April with a private view on Thursday the 2nd April as a Whitechapel Gallery First Thursdays event.
Submissions Deadline: 27th February at 5pm
For further information about Sweet ‘Art visit www.wearesweetart.com
For more information and images of the Espacio Gallery visit www.espaciogallery.com
Submissions Process: To submit up to 6 art works please visit our submissions page and complete our online submissions form here http://www.wearesweetart.com/ - !opportunities/c141l
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