Superplasty Exhibition
28 Sep 2013 – 18 Oct 2013
Event times
10:30am - 7pm Tuesday to Friday, 12pm - 5pm Saturday and Sunday
Cost of entry
- Arch 6 Crucifix Lane
- London SE1 3JW
- London
- se1 5aa
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- bus 381 stops almost outside the gallery on Crucifix Lane
- 2 minute walk from London Bridge Station
- 2 minute walk from London Bridge Station
Superplasty Exhibition
IAN DANIELLSuperplasty
word-forming element from Latin adverb and preposition super "above, over, on the top (of), beyond, besides, in addition to,"
word-forming element meaning "act or process of forming," also "plastic surgery" applied to a specific part, from Greek -plastia, from plastos "molded, formed," verbal adjective from plassein "to mold"
Glamorous and overtly sexualized imagery is widely used to promote fashion, technology and music. These images appear to promise sexual fulfilment and happiness. Such pop-media is designed to induce a state of arousal, which can override our ability to detect sexual objectification. Mouth-watering colour schemes can distract us from concerns surrounding commercially idealised body types. Once seduced, we buy products and change our bodies in a vain attempt to achieve self-satisfaction. It is at this point (the point of inevitable dissatisfaction) that we seek something better, something new, something super-
With Superplasty, Daniell presents a new series of sculptures and paintings that debut a new pastel colour palette. His 2nd Generation Sculpture (2GS) continues his interrogation of the loveheart form. The glossy surfaces appear stretched, tucked and implanted, as if surgically altered. The accompanying paintings are a development of the artist's other motif, and these phallic forms are presented in an all-new luster. Daniell aligns the temptation, and amalgamates the forms, of commercial products and cosmetic surgery, presenting an arresting new body of work.
Additional works also feature in the exhibition, which sees the artist question the upgrading and enhancement of bodies, products and art.
Artist Biography
Ian Daniell, born 1986, is a British painter and sculptor. Daniell studied at Chelsea College of Art & Design and Camberwell College of Arts before establishing his South London studio practice in 2010.