
Street Photography, Photobooks and the Power of Storytelling

20 Aug 2022

Regular hours

Sat, 20 Aug
10:00 – 16:00

Timezone: Europe/London

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Hosted by: Avid Learning

Do register prior to the event

In keeping with the spirit of World Photography Day 2022, join us for an exciting masterclass with Filmmaker, Photographer and Author of Opium of Time, Sunhil Sippy.


Do you enjoy capturing fleeting moments? Are you intrigued by how photographs can paint a thousand words? Do you wish to learn how you can translate the same emotion from the view-finder to a page? 

In keeping with the spirit of World Photography Day 2022,  join us for an exciting masterclass with Filmmaker, Photographer and Author of Opium of Time, Sunhil Sippy. This masterclass will focus on understanding the art of photography as a powerful medium of storytelling as well as exploring the genesis of street photography. Sunhil will further delve into translating those visual narratives in the form of photobooks.

Highlights of the workshop:

  • Photography as a medium, history and technical aspects 
  • Exploring iconic photo books and understanding the creative process of its visualisation
  • Understanding the process of publishing
  • Unleashing your potential for visual storytelling

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