Street Entropy
4 Mar 2016 – 31 Mar 2016
Event times
Wednesday to Saturday, 12.30 - 5.30pm and by appointement
Cost of entry
- 12A Collent Street
- London
- E9 6SG
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- The 30, 26, 277 and 488 all stop close by
- Overground: Hackney Central, Homerton
- London Fields train station
Hackney Wick’s photographer-turned-painter Mick Dean will be showing his latest body of locally inspired artwork. His large oil paintings show of the beauty that can be observed whilst all matter and energy in the universe gradually evolves toward a state of inert uniformity.
en·tro·py (ĕn′trə-pē)
n. pl. en·tro·pies
The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity. Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society.
‘So there I was, fast asleep in front of the T.V. But I awoke to the smiling face of Professor Brian Cox.
He said…”I’m going to explain the second law of Thermo Dynamics.”
So I thought, ”Gosh, it’s time for bed.”
But inertia took over and I sat and listened.
To my amazement I realised it was the core subject of what I have been painting for years and have struggled to put into words. I never realised there was a scientific term that fully described my practice…Entropy. To be exact, the movement, by decay, from low entropy to high entropy. This is the action of returning all matter back to its basic elements…star dust…which is the stuff the universe was created from in the Big Bang. And therefore demonstrating what happens, over time, to all things we manufacture from the original star dust base. How nature eventually breaks them back down again to their original components. My painting has a similar principle. I paint man made things that are slowly eroding and breaking down. I try to document the movement from low to high entropy.…it is this process that fascinates me. ‘Man verses nature’, with the inevitable triumph of nature if left to its own devices. Once we manufacture anything, it soon begins to break back down…iron rusts, stone erodes and bricks crumble.
As Camille Pissaro wrote to his son, Lucien,
“Happy are those who see beautiful things in modest surroundings or where other men see nothing. Everything is beautiful, all that matters is to know how to interpret it.”
Sometimes a sleep in front of the TV can be most informative!’