Still: Exploring the Dialogue Between Still Life and Photography
26 Oct 2009 – 20 Nov 2009
Event times
10.00 - 16.00
- University of Northampton
- St. Georges Avenue
- Northampton
- NN2 6JD
- United Kingdom
'Still', an exhibition which explores the relationship between still life and photography
The exhibition presents the three artists' individual approaches to the traditional subject of still life and considers critical and aesthetic notions of the use of objects within the genre.Steve Godfrey explores the nature of time and decay in both the selection of his objects and in the way in which he physically and chemically erodes the structural integrity of the negative.
Paul Greco investigates the literal and visual associations of objects through their juxtaposition, sequencing, depiction and manipulation.
Jonathan Chapman uses the camera to reveal a dialogue between the formal traditions of still life painting and the informality of the everyday 'accidental' still lifes that surround us.