
step in stone

8 Jul 2015 – 18 Oct 2015

Event times

Phase 1: 8 July – 16 Oct - SESC (open Weds 9-5)
Phase 2: 15 Aug – 18 Oct - Halecombe & Asham/Westdown quarry (open all times)
Phase 3: 3-18 Oct (Somerset Art Weeks Festival '15) - Fairy Cave Quarry (open 11-6 daily); Black Swan Arts Centre (open 10-4 Mon–Sat & Sun 4) & Frome Museum (open 10-2 Tues-Sat & Sun 4)

Cost of entry


Workshops: £10 per half day (1 child free per adult), extra child (6-15 yrs) £6, children 5 & under free
Talks: £5 (1 child free per adult), extra child (6-15 yrs) £3, children 5 & under free

For details/booking visit: www.stepinstone-somerset.co.uk

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Multi-disciplinary art trail in 3 Mendip quarries and 3 indoor venues by leading local and international artists, exploring Somerset's heritage and beauty. Additional public engagement elements include workshops, talks and walks. Held in 3 phases from July-October.


'step in stone’ is a collaborative multi-stranded art trail around 3 disused and working quarries in the East Mendips, illuminating these spectacular, hidden landscapes while exploring Somerset’s heritage and beauty.  Fourteen artists, all with connections to South West England but from as far afield as Norway and Australia, will develop and create a series of research-led site-specific temporary artworks for a curated trail in response to the nature of quarries, and their place in the cultural and industrial heritage of the region. Contemporary sculpture, land art, photography, textiles, painting, drawing, sound, spatial poetry and printmaking will be installed within these environments from July-October, aiming to surprise, delight, challenge, fascinate and inform.  

A free event, open to the public, step in stone offers local communities and visitors from afar a memorable experience linking culture and environment, encompassing meaningful art and science (natural history, ecology, geology), increasing public awareness of these beautiful spaces and issues surrounding them. Central to the project is broad public engagement.  Guided walks will be run in collaboration with microscopists from Somerset Wildlife Trust and artists, exploring the quarries; artist-led talks and art workshops will also engage the wider community. Workshops specifically to give school children an opportunity to experience a creative, educational resource will be supported by SAW’s InspirED offers for subscribing schools.  Linked exhibitions will be held in the Black Swan Arts Centre, Frome, Somerset Earth Science Centre, near Shepton Mallet, and Frome Museum.

Phase 1: 8 July – 18 October – exhibition/art installations/workshops/talks/guided walks –  Somerset Earth Science Centre (SESC) BA3 5JU (open to all public Weds 9-4 & for specail events)

Phase 2: 15 August – 18 October – exhibition/art installations/guided walks – Halecombe Leigh-on-Mendip BA11 3RD map ref ST702 475 (working quarry, peripheral public pathway); Westdown/Asham (massive disused quarry) , nr Chantry BA11 3LY map ref: ST716 461 (both open 7 days a week, daylight hours)

Phase 3: 3-18 October, finale fortnight tying in with Somerset Art Weeks Festival ’15 and Momentum programme – exhibition/art installations/workshops/talks/guided walks – Fairy Cave Quarry, Limekiln Lane, nr Oakhill, BA3 5JG map ref: ST656 476 (open 11am-6pm daily); Black Swan Arts Centre, 2 Bridge Street BA11 1BB (open 10am-4pm Mon – Sat, open Sun 4th, closed Sun 11, 18th) and Frome Museum (open 10am-2pm Tues - Sat, open Sun 4th, closed Sun 11th, 18th)



Catherine Bloomfield 

Bronwen Bradshaw 

Duncan Cameron 

Fiona Campbell 

Duncan Elliott 

Tessa Farmer 

Stuart Frost 

Suzie Gutteridge 

Ralph Hoyte 

Sally Kidall 

Caroline Sharp 

Amanda Wallwork 

Christina White


Funders and Partners:

Art Council England and National Lottery

Black Swan Arts 

Somerset Art Works

Mendip Hills AONB


Mendip HIlls Fund

Somerset Earth Science Centre

Somerset Wildlife Trust

Gane Trust

Frome Town Council

Nick Weaver


For further details visit: www.stepinstone-somerset.co.uk


Preview in finale phase: Friday 2 Oct, 6-8pm - Black Swan Arts Centre, 2 Bridge Street BA11 1BB 

Finale Friday 16 Oct, 6-8pm - Somerset Earth Science Centre, Moons Hill, nr Radstock BA3 5JU


Fiona Campbell

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Ralph Hoyte

Catherine Bloomfield

Christina White

Duncan Elliott

Duncan Cameron

Caroline Sharp

Fiona Campbell

Sally Kidall


Amanda Wallwork

Stuart Frost

Bronwen Bradshaw

Tessa Farmer

Suzie Gutteridge


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