Stefanie Seufert - "A Parrot's Song"
31 Aug 2019 – 28 Sep 2019
Regular hours
- Monday
- Closed
- Tuesday
- Closed
- Wednesday
- 13:00 – 19:00
- Thursday
- 13:00 – 19:00
- Friday
- 13:00 – 19:00
- Saturday
- 13:00 – 18:00
- Sunday
- Closed
- Bülowstrasse 52
- Berlin
Berlin - 10783
- Germany
Travel Information
- U7 S+U Yorckstraße / U2 Bülowstraße / Bus M19 Mansteinstraße
August 31 – September 28, 2019
Opening: Friday, August 30, 2019, 7 p.m.
Press release
Without wanting to overemphasise this, Stefanie Seufert´s works are always also photography about photography and its physical characteristics, its cultural attributions, and a game with the expectations that we inherently associate with it, and not one that adheres to a particular photographic dogma. With these works, the artist is elegantly navigating in a very specific peripheral zone in the ocean of possibilities of photography, and for a fascinating cartography of this area with all its shoals, references, and possibilities.
Seufert’s artistic strategy also clearly includes the respectively very precise combinatorics of motifs among and between one another thanks to the, in part, very different techniques. Therefore, how exactly which motif hangs next to which, at what distance and in what context on a wall, or in space, ... Beyond the individual motif, the conversations that Stefanie Seufert’s motifs conduct with one another before our eyes are surely just as important a moment for her work as the conversations, discussions, debates, or also flirtations that they conduct with those of other (photo) artists, or nonartists. The pictures respectively have to be precisely assembled anew again in each context so that mirror images and shadows arise and are piled up ever anew, the comet tail always travels new orbits, and we are again and again able to lose ourselves in all of this anew. A poetic list, in contrast to a practical list, is always potentially infinite, says Umberto Eco.1
In her recent works, Stefanie Seufert continues to deal with concepts of imitation, copy, and replica. In the exhibition A Parrot's Song she combines them into different chains of associations starting with Rihanna's song The Monster as sung by a parrot.
Stefanie Seufert lives and works in Berlin. In 2019, her works can be seen in institutions at Berlinische Galerie; DZ Bank Collection Frankfurt; Kunstbibliothek im Museum für Fotografie Berlin; Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin; NRW-Forum Düsseldorf; Kunsthalle Darmstadt; CPAP Havanna, Kuba; etc.
1 Panhans, Stefan in: Stefanie Seufert. Wood Survives in the Form of Postholes, Edition Camera Austria, 2016