Stefanie Hillich & Wiebke Maria Wachmann. Schein
10 Dec 2016 – 23 Dec 2016
Regular hours
- Saturday
- 14:00 – 18:00
- Friday
- 15:00 – 19:00
- 46 Oranienstraße
- Berlin
Berlin - 10969
- Germany
Travel Information
- U8
Light plays an important role in Stefanie Hillich's scenes. The subjects of her pictures are substantial, presenting what seems to be everyday-situations.
She generates a mood, a feeling that one cannot escape from, while playing with the subconscious. Sometimes melancholy, surreal, usually peculiar, with a subtle shift towards the grotesque, her images are characterised by refracted colours. Her view of what she shows us is characterised by a fine sense of humour. The subjects, some of which are reminiscent of theatre stages, are presented with a variety of painting methods.
Wiebke Maria Wachmann presents auratic-appearing light boxes in which a fairy-tale landscape is shrouded in mist, a view from a window breaks up the nothingness behind it with shutters folding like wings, a house on a hill, seeming like a figment of imagination. Light – from weakly shimmering to glaring. The well-known motives, the house, the hill, the landscape, the window – with their familiarity subtly withdrawn from them.
Michaela Nolte: […] "Wiebke Maria Wachmann's rooms seem filled with latent images that call up vague visualisations, conditions of memory. Marcel Proust equates the appearance of a memory in the mind with the development of a photographic plate that has long been exposed but only contains a latent image until the moment of development. – Doubt, surrounding her rooms like a fragile sheet of ice, becomes a single certainty. […]."