State Your Case
29 Oct 2017 – 30 Oct 2017
Regular hours
- Sunday
- 10:00 – 18:00
Cost of entry
Free Entry
Please go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/state-your-case-tickets-37622889074
to register for our opening night
**To get entry to our opening night after party you must have a ticket**
And if you would like to contribute to our platform please go to
- 23 Heneage Street
- London
- E1 5LJ
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Tube: Algate East, Whitechappel, Shoreditch High Street
A selection of emerging artists grapple with contemporary notions of creative identity
5th Base Gallery invites you to a weekend of critical engagement and questions without answers, presenting the works of budding creatives who state to you their case. This two-day exhibition begins with a fully programmed evening, including Food, Drink, Poetry and Music including brands still in their infancy and solo practitioners.
Contemporary society has become riddled with questions of identity, and, with the advent of social media, a sense of crisis is in full bloom. Establishing an identity is not always about understanding classifications – Migrant, Female, Jew, Surrealist, Vegan – but about finding a place outside of these associations to fuel a sense of belonging.
Figurative Art has always allowed for the exploration of the self and the other; the movement creates a hybrid of the personal and the universal. But it is, somewhat ironically, amidst an identity crisis of its own. Years of being clouded in industry scepticism has blurred the parameters of those associated with the genre, and marginalised the subject matter. But the shadows have left space for a broader understanding and renewed sense of value to the genre; with this residual sense of hope comes a new wave of visionaries.
A platform to investigate our place within the wider cultural landscape is needed now more than ever. STATE YOUR CASE introduces several emerging artists whose artistic identity is its infancy. The net generation show us what – if anything – figurative practices have left to tell us. Grappling bold themes with an impressive maturity, each participant presents to you their case.
Preview: 29th October, 5-9pm.
Public Opening: 30th October, 9-8pm.
Further acts TBC. For regular updates follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/stateyourcaseart
To help support and promote our platform: www.crowdfunding.com/stateyourcase
Public Information: This event is free but ticketed. To book a place visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/state-your-case-tickets-37622889074