Next event: SUNDAY 14 October 2012 | 2-4pm | RSVP
Forthcoming events: SUNDAY 04 Nov 2012 | 2-4pm; SUNDAY 09 Dec 2012 | 2-4pm
A show and tell event for sound artists and those interested in sonic practice. All welcome! FREE.
The evening is about shared conversation, and most importantly, a showcase for YOUR sonic art works, research and sound-centric film and performance.
Think sound diffusion, radio pieces, multi-channel works, sonic sculptures, AV works, live works, performance, visual scores, research papers, and so on. Works may be finished pieces, works in progress, or simply initial ideas, it's up to you what to offer....
We are able to screen the following:
Audio up to 5.1 via CD, DVD, digital files*
AV work via DVD, digital files (We ave facilities to project up to 3m h x 3.5m w)*
*All works must be compatible with Mac
We also have:
Space for small-scale performances/interventions
Space for intimate live works
Wall/floor space to hang scores and paper works
This event will be a relaxed evening for you to share your work with an audience of contemporaries and to gain feedback, constructive criticism and/or technical advice if desired, or simply for you to listen to your - and/or other artist's - works on a high-quality sound system.
Artist/group may screen work up to 15 minutes in length. If your works are longer in duration, please bring a suitable excerpt. Please email the SoundFjord team with your details and technical needs ASAP to be included at: info[@]soundfjord.org.uk
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Sonic Arts Networking List
Make contact with fellow researchers, performers and makers here. All artists, researchers, sound designers, curators and performers may join - send an email with your name, email address, a web link and a brief biog and sentence about your interests to: info[at]soundfjord[dot]org[dot]uk to have your name added.
Benefits of joining the sound art network are: access to international artists and their practices; access to news and opportunities, crits and social events.