

16 Dec 2023 – 10 Feb 2024

Regular hours

13:00 – 18:00
13:00 – 18:00
13:00 – 18:00
13:00 – 18:00

Free admission

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Art Share L.A. presents SOMOS, a new exhibition curated by Fabian Debora, Executive Director of Homeboy Art Academy.



"Homeboy Art Academy strives to extend the mission of providing hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated youth and adults, by securing a space in which the arts can be the central modality to healing and transformation.

SOMOS (We Are) originates from a declaration within the gang subculture — a call to stand firm with pride and dignity in our representation of communal identities and beliefs. In this exhibition, twelve LA artists reclaim and celebrate the culture as a testament to the anchor provided by our Pintores Maestros. These master artists have tirelessly upheld a cultural movement across generations, fostering a lasting legacy in our communities.

We continue to challenge the labels that seek to dictate what art is or how it is created. These art forms reflect more than technique, they represent deeply embedded personal narratives. Art, for us, is a mirror held up to our audience, eradicating the invisibility that has long persisted."

– Curator Fabian Debora

Featured artists include: ARi, ShowzArt, Fabian Debora, Ricardo Estrada, Jesse Fregozo, GIO, Megumi Nakazawa, ONNI, Rick Ortega, Obed Silva, Tonantzin, and Esmeralda Villarreal

About the Curator

Fabian Debora was born in El Paso, Texas and began his career in 1995 as a member of the East Los Angeles Streetscapers. He was mentored by many Chicano artists and muralists, and was introduced to creative expressions of all forms, from graffiti and murals to sketching and fine art painting. Fabian’s work has been showcased in solo and group exhibitions throughout the United States and abroad, including Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Kansas City, Brooklyn, and throughout Latin America. Fabian served as a counselor and the Director of Substance Abuses Services & Programming as well as a mentor at Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles for a decade. He then moved on to work as Community Connection Director at Arts for Incarcerated Youth Network. He is also a teaching artist for ACTA Alliance of traditional Arts, bringing arts to adult correctional facilities. He works in collaboration with Latino Producers Action Network (LPAN) as the Art Director, and is an instructor for community artists and students throughout Boyle Heights. He has now returned to Homeboy Industries as the Executive Director of Homeboy Art Academy pursuing and developing his vision to continue to serve the greater Los Angeles area, and abroad.

RSVP for opening night here

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Exhibiting artistsToggle


Esmeralda Villarreal


Obed Silva

Rick Ortega


Megumi Nakazawa


Jesse Fregozo

Ricardo Estrada



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