
Sommer Hangung #10

10 Jul 2018 – 15 Sep 2018

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JORDAN/SEYDOUX is very pleased to announce its summer show: SOMMER HANGUNG #10, a group exhibition featuring works on paper using gouache, acrylics, spray paint stencil und single screen prints, by Ronald de Bloeme, Florent Dégé, Inès Doleschal, Christof Kraus and Marielle Paul.


While the distinctive character of each of the artists remain, the five artists have been brought together for their approach to color and its use in their works.

Dutch painter Ronald de Bloeme composes works which might confuse, or even trap the beholder. He places the observation of reality at the center of his work. Taking pictograms from well known brands or the design from packaging, video games or websites, he studies the forceful images from visual communication and reinterprets them into richly coloured paintings. The strict, constructive organisation of staggered color bars is halted by traces of irregular, gestural brushstrokes.

In the 9 selected works on view « Kurzstrecke 01-09 » (2017) de Bloeme took the graphic colour chart from the last parliament election outcome (2016) that shows the previous composition and the new composition of parliament, as voted in Berlin, as a starting point. In an easy-reference histogram, the complex reality had been translated into a simple and attractive colour chart : green (Die Grüne), red (SPD), black (CDU), ... After de Bloeme had turned it into a painting reality, it gave him the freedom for a series of drawings, variations of the original theme where he plays on colours and structures of the chart.

Ronald de Bloeme, 1971 born in Leeuwarden, Friesland, Netherlands, studied Fine Arts at the Willem de Kooning Akademie in Rotterdam. A scholarship of Künstlerhaus Bethanien brought him to Berlin in 2000, where he is living and working since.

The selection of works by Florent Dégé consists of colorful spray paint stencils for which he uses approximately 15 templates. They are studies for wallpaper but are considered to be autonomous artworks at the same time. The artist takes his inspiration from the art deco Spritzdekormuster patterns of the 30’s and from the Fante Asafo Flags of Ghana, combining abstract, floating forms with transparent color gradients.

Florent Dégé, born in 1987, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, lives and works in Paris. He studied in Ecole des Arts Décoratifs in Strasbourg from 2007 to 2012.

Ines Doleschal seeks out « non-places » she records in a sketchbook while travelling throughout the cities of Europe. This becomes the basis for a studio painting. Throughout the process, the artist devotes her attention to the painterly aspect of the surfaces, and this substratum is superimposed by a succession of glazing and scumbling in acrylic paint that accentuates the planimetry of the construct, as do those areas of canvas or paper that are left as white ground. 

With the conflation of alignments in perspective and planes of colour, the picture plane oscillates between spatial depth and planimetric flatness. The enclosed space opens up, interior becomes exterior, one is secluded and then exposed. In the emanation of non-places and the desolation of functional architecture are brought about in the process of urban redevelopment, then Ines Doleschal emulates this transfiguration; by erasing the framework of actual space by seeking and isolating what is arbitrary, she creates her own non-places.

Ines Doleschal born 1972 in Waiblingen/Baden-Württemberg, studied Fine Art at the Kunstakademie in Münster, Postgraduate « Art in context » at the Universität der Künste, Berlin. She lives and works in Berlin.

In the process of printing the series of single screen prints Christof Kraus repeatedly overlaps the impression of colorful abstract forms. He thus creates composite images with very refined nuanced light colors animated by subtle transgressions. The colorful world of Kraus - with blue as his favourite color, evokes distant memories of landscapes, rocks and horizons.

Kraus, born in 1978, lives and works in Berlin. He studied at the University of the Arts in Berlin with professor Mark Lammert and ended his study with the title Master-class pupil.

For more than 20 years, Marielle Paul's art has been characterized by the use of gouache and paper bounded with white margins. Rejecting any kind of canonical style, figuration and abstraction, she elaborates her own pictorial vocabulary and assumes the decorative aspects of it. On single and juxtaposed sheets of paper, she overlaps flat surfaces, single-colour shapes and predominantly organic curved forms and lines. She gives a sculptural treatment of the beaches of color without any three dimensional illusion.

Marielle Paul, born in 1962 in Lyon, France, studied Fine Arts at the Ecole des beaux-arts in Lyon and at the Ecole d'architecture La Villette, Paris. She lives and works in Paris.

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Christof Kraus

Florent Dégé

Ronald de Bloeme

Marielle Paul

Inés Doleschal


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