
SLAM Friday at Enclave - previews, performances, screenings and soundings + after party

27 Mar 2015

Event times

6-9pm + afterparty with DJ set by BAD SECTOR 9-11pm

Cost of entry


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At Enclave this Friday is an evening of openings, previews and performances including Akhal-Teke, by Josephine Callaghan in Res.; Hanoi Doclab at news of the world; new commissions by Call & Response and performances by Arianna Ferrari. Res. will be hosting an afterparty in Machine Party with DJ set by BAD SECTOR from 9pm.


Full listings for 27 March..

Enclave 1 (Gallery) Res. 
Akhal-Teke, Josephine Callaghan 
The first exhibition emerging from Res. and the first of three #temporarycustodians solo shows. PREVIEW

Enclave 2 Machine Party

Join us in the Enclave club room for drinks and food from 6pm with DJ set by BAD SECTOR (aka Patchfinder) 9-11pm

Enclave 4 news of the world

Hanoi Doclab - 
Contemporary documentaries from Vietnam
Đỗ Văn Hoàng: At Water’s Edge / Đặng Đức Lộc: Public Living / Trần Thanh Hiên: Train Journal / Phạm Thu Hằng: Section number 8 / Đỗ Tường Linh, Ngô Thanh, Nhã Thuyên: Hiếu bé / Nguyễn Tiến Đạt: Remaining 
(films show back to back on a 1hr loop) PREVIEW

Enclave 5 Divus London

Spring Reading Room - books on eternal grass under anti cocaine paintings LATE OPENING

Enclave 7 ]performance s p a c e[

WILL TO POWER: Strategies for Bodily SubversionArianna Ferrari PERFORMANCE

Enclave 8 Lubomirov-Easton
Limited Editions FINISSAGE

Enclave 9 Call & Response

EVOL Opus17aSlimeVariation#5 
Post rave algorithmic computer music duo EVOL have made a new work for Call & Response’s 13 speaker immersive sound system. PREVIEW from 7pm.

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Josephine Callaghan

Arianna Ferrari


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