Seven Days. Karol Jarek
8 Jan 2016 – 29 Feb 2016
- Strzegomski Square 2a
- Wrocław
Lower Silesian Voivodeship - 53-681
- Poland
Not so long ago, in a country not so far away, the rating agencies lowered Greece’s creditworthiness to level A. The subsequent events followed quickly. As a result, the calm Hellas plunged into chaos. People protested in the streets against the drastic cuts in the budget.
Karol Jarek captured the moment when the inhabitants of Athens faced the necessity to answer the referendum question. “Yes” or “No”, and almost everything depended on it. However, it was not a black and white situation. “Yes” could mean “No” and the other way round. The short answer could mean a very different thing to everybody. The seven days when the photographer accompanied Athenians was an unusual inter-time, somewhat melancholic and somewhat euphoric. An expected state of limbo between different potentialities.
We have got used to Greece. We have consumed all the news about the financial crisis, the huge debt, people protesting in the streets. The show must go on, though. Newspaper headlines and TV news programmes are already absorbed by other subjects. The questions remain: yes or no?