
[Sao Paulo] Bureau for Public Insecurities

5 Sep 2016 – 18 Sep 2016

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The nomadic Bureau for Public Insecurities is a project in the frame of Sao Paulo Biennial, conceived and curated by DNV [dan'etvɐzmoʐnə] , featuring several artists and locations.


"What if the government fails and my passport locks me within a certain territory? What if the money become worth less than a paper it is printed on? What if my company goes bankrupt and/or my job become obsolete? Have you ever been thinking about the institution where you can freely discuss the insecurities of life within society without fearful self-restraint? 
The nomadic Bureau for Public Insecurities is set to create a context in which the definition of borders between ‘public’ and ‘private’ and the rules of the social game themselves that define the notion of ‘normal’ can be challenged", states Denis Maksimov. 

FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1233210500032135/

tumbrl: http://bureauforpublicinsecurities.tumblr.com/

more details on the project via: http://www.avenirinstitute.info/calendar/2016/9/4/sao-paulo-bureau-for-public-insecurities

Featured spaces:
- Ateliê Fidalga + Projeto Fidalga
- Espaço Vitrine
- Aquário
- Public spaces of Vila Madalena area 



What to expect? Toggle



Caroline Carrion

Denis Maksimov

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Lais Myrrha

Walter Costa

Alessandra Duarte

Avenir Institute

Gian Spina

Foundland Collective

Bernd Oppl

Bruno Baptistelli

Mano Penalva

Clarice Cunha

Giuditta Vendrame

Bruno Moreschi

Deolinda Aguiar

Carla Chaim

Thiago Navas

Bogomir Doringer

Sonia Guggisberg

Jaime Lauriano

Fabio Tremonte

Ivan Padovani

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