This is the first exhibition of this prestigious Arts Prize Award
The Exhibition is curated by Rosi Raneri based in Rome -Italy
Hosted by The Royal Opera Arcade Gallery London
The aim of the Exhibition is to show the individual exegesis of the partecipating artists both Italian and International, to see how they do this through their styles and ways in which they drive their own artistic expressions to the affirmation of their personality and ego, through the modern art contemporary landscape.
Artists: Sonia Babini, Stefano Benazzo, Roland Behrmann, Gultekin Bilge, Sergio Boldrin, Silvana Boscu, Antonio D'Amico, Roberto Del Fabbro, Alberto Gargiulo, Giovanni Giannettino, Besnik Hariza, Luisa Jacobacci, Elisa Madeo Pitt, Francesco Mangiaracina, Rosalba Mangione,
Moira Mariani, Epifanio Matè Espio, Michela Mecacci, Barbara Missana, Maria Assunta Nunziata, Andrea Pirani, Sara Poli, Roberto Re, Franco Scalese Urcioli, Simona Sericano, Federico Tamburri, Josefina Temin, Paolo Uttieri
The Royal Opera Arcade Gallery
5B Pall Mall
London SW1 4UY
Tel 0207 930 8069