Lindsey Bull, Tereza BuŠ ¡ková, Matthew Cowan, jeremy Deller, Eleanor Moreton, Abigail Reynolds, Anna Sadler & jon Greenland, Tim Shaw.
A feast of real, invented and re-made rituals, Rituals Are Tellers Of Us brings together works that take inspiration from rich folk traditions or acts with a strong sense of shared purpose.
Ritual is a key human experience of identity in relation to place, an idea explored through works such as Anna Sadler's Exercise in Presence 1, a ritualised personal journey into the sea, recorded in photographs by jon Greenland. Abigail Reynold's work The Maidens also references this relationship to place, drawing visual links between ancient Cornish monuments, traditional Morris dancing and communal protest.
Many of the works in the exhibition draw on the celebratory rituals that bring together communities, particularly those involving costumes and performance.
In Eleanor Moreton's paintings groups of costumed characters from the past are captured in a moment, whilst Tereza BuŠ ¡ková's video Spring Equinox exaggerates the rich sounds and movements of traditional and invented rituals.
Curated by MA Curatorial Practice students from Falmouth university, in partnership with Newlyn Art Gallery & The Exchange.
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