
Richard Bevan: 16 mm film installation

30 Oct 2008 – 16 Nov 2008

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Roaming ROOM

England, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Buses to Baker St
  • Tube: Baker St or Bond St
  • Marylebone Station
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Whether reproducing the mystery of a cinema environment or capturing the memory of a quality of sunlight in an empty room Richard Bevan's 16mm films gently carry and unwrap a moment before us. There must be Happy Endings, a filmed intervention created for the space at R O O M, accompanies the 4 projector installation Usher which was filmed at the Renoir cinema in West London. Like the cinema world it refers to, Usher plays with our sense of the familiar. The minor character of a cinema attendant is the sole object of focus, signalling to us from the dark with her flashlight. This simple, repetitive signal weaves an obscure path between light and sound, triggering a peal of arbitrary sounds. These works bear the quality of documents, tracing the journey of an idea from one form to the next. The incidents that Bevan composes in his films are only ever fleetingly present to us and part of their beauty is suspended in this vicarious experience that is always just beyond our grasp, out of reach.

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