Revolutionary Textiles 1910-1939
26 Mar 2016 – 29 Jan 2017
- The University of Manchester, Oxford Road,
- Manchester
Greater Manchester - M15 6ER
- United Kingdom
In the early decades of the 20th century textile design took off in new directions throughout the Western world.
Invigorated by experimental techniques, art styles such as Fauvism, man-made fibres, and the Ballets Russes, this outburst of creativity took place against a backdrop of political ferment.
Among the works featured in this exhibition are fabric lengths, garments and samples designed or produced by the Omega Workshops, Paul Poiret, Raoul Dufy, Barron and Larcher, Cryséde, Josef Hillerbrand, Ruth Reeves, Marion Dorn, and Bauhaus-trained Otti Berger.