Residence: Melbourne - Barcelona / Claire Rosslyn Wilson
8 Nov 2018 – 19 Nov 2018
Event times
open by appointment - abierto con cita previa
Cost of entry
- travessia de sant Antoni 27
- Barcelona
Catalonia - 08012
- Spain
Travel Information
- Fontana
What does it mean to feel at home? How can we cultivate a sense of place while being mobile? How can we inhabit a permanent transitional state between belonging and adaptation? The work developed by Claire Rosslyn Wilson address and reflect upon these concepts and questions.
Algunos de los signos de identificación más reconocibles e innegables de la era actual de la globalización son el aumento de la movilidad -la manera incesante en que las personas, los bienes y las culturas transitan, deambulan y viajan por todos lados- y el rápido flujo de intercambios, experiencias y contactos entre personas y lugares. Un vórtice persistente e inexorable de territorios, esquinas, imágenes, recuerdos, voces y palabras componen nuestras vidas contemporáneas no lineales. Las nociones de pertenencia, hogar, distancia y proximidad están cambiando radicalmente, abriendo el camino a nuevos procesos de transculturación y translocalización.
¿Qué significa sentirse “como en casa”? ¿Cómo podemos cultivar un sentido de lugar mientras nos movemos? ¿Cómo podemos habitar un estado de permanente transición entre pertenencia y adaptación?
El trabajo y el proyecto de investigación desarrollado por Claire Rosslyn Wilson -poeta, investigadora y artista que vive entre Melbourne y Barcelona-, aborda y reflexiona sobre estos conceptos y preguntas. A través de un enfoque personal e íntimo, la artista compone un paisaje poético y visual hecho con palabras clave, versos, imágenes y materiales que le recuerdan su propio flujo constante de residencia entre Melbourne y Barcelona. El proyecto traza un viaje de idas y vueltas, llegadas y salidas, donde las diferentes capas de sentimientos coexisten simultáneamente aquí y allá.
Como afirmó Nikos Papastergiadis: "Las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas se definen cada vez más por el deseo dual de movilidad y apego al lugar" *.
Esta exposición - Residence: Melbourne-Barcelona - contribuye a la exploración de las intrincadas "conexiones suspendidas" que constituyen las relaciones contemporáneas entre personas y lugares, revelando la dualidad aparentemente contradictoria entre movilidad y apego.
Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio
* Nikos Papastergiadis, Spatial Aesthetics, Art, Place, and the Everyday, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam 2010. Page 8.
Con la colaboración de Cervezas la Brava
Some of the most recognizable and undeniable identification marks of the current era of globalization are the increased mobility – the relentless way people, goods and cultures transit, wander and travel around – and the fast flow of exchanges, experiences and contact between people and places. A persistent and inexorable vortex of territories, corners, images, memories, voices and words compose our non-linear contemporary traces through life. Notions of belonging, home, distance and proximity are radically shifting, paving the way to processes of transculturation and translocalization.
What does it mean to feel at home? How can we cultivate a sense of place while being mobile? How can we inhabit a permanent transitional state between belonging and adaptation?
The work and research project developed by Claire Rosslyn Wilson – poet, researcher and artist living between Melbourne and Barcelona – address and reflect upon these concepts and questions. With a personal and intimate approach, the artist composes a poetic and visual landscape made by keywords, verses, images and materials that remind her of the constant flux of residency between Melbourne and Barcelona. The project traces a journey of go and return, arrivals and departures, where the different layers of feeling simultaneously coexist here and there.
As Nikos Papastergiadis stated: “Contemporary art practices are increasingly defined by the dual desire for mobility and attachment to place”*.
This exhibition – Residence: Melbourne-Barcelona – contributes to the exploration of the intricate “suspended connections” that constitute the contemporary relations between people and places, revealing the apparently contradictory duality between mobility and attachment.
* Nikos Papastergiadis, Spatial Aesthetics, Art, Place, and the Everyday, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam 2010. Page 8.
Claire Rosslyn Wilson (Australia) is a freelance cultural writer, researcher and poet, with particular interests in cultural diversity, experiences of place and creative expression for social change. She has international experience working in the arts and resource development in Thailand, Singa- pore, Spain and Australia. She co-wrote Freelancing in the Creative Industries (Oxford University Press, 2015), and is the poetry editor for the human rights journal Right Now. Claire is a PhD can- didate in the Faculty of Arts and Design at the University of Canberra, Australia, and is a co-edi- tor of the academic journal Coolabah, of the Transnational and Australian Studies Centre in the University of Barcelona. She has also presented her creative work at a number of writer’s festivals and in 2014 she undertook a creative writing fellowship at the Wheeler Centre Melbourne. Her poems and articles have been published in journals such as the Australian Poetry, Transnational Literature, Art Radar, Culture360, Failed Haiku and others.
With the collaboration of Cervezas la Brava