

1 Mar 2021 – 17 Apr 2021

Save Event: ReLAY

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Hosted by: Cardiff MADE

ReLAY as a project began in early 2020; with two pairs of artists invited to begin a new series of works in partnership with one another. The artist pairings are: Caitlin Flood-Molyneux / Abi Birkinshaw and Ethan Dodd / Mylo Elliott.


ReLAY as a project began in early 2020; with two pairs of artists invited to begin a new series of works in partnership with one another. The exhibition celebrates the ingenuity and adaptation involved in making collaborative work; processes which have been further galvanised in the wake of the pandemic. This digital exhibition is the sum of this year-long exchange, showcasing how each individual's art practice was pushed beyond the familiar into and new territory, creating a new and exciting joint language.

The artist pairings are:

Caitlin Flood-Molyneux / Abi Birkinshaw and  Ethan Dodd / Mylo Elliott

Exhibition runs online until 

10/3/21 - Artist In Conversation : Join Cardiff MADE Gallery director Zoë Gingell, in conversation with the 4 artists who participated in the exhibition via Zoom. The talk takes place 10.03.21 at 7:30pm.

This project was enabled with funding from Welsh Government and the Arts Council of Wales.

What to expect? Toggle


zoe gingell

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Abi Birkinshaw

Mylo Elliott

Caitlin Flood-Molyneux

Ethan Dodd

Taking part

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