
Rehearsing Room

12 Sep 2008 – 28 Sep 2008

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  • Busses: 30, 38, 56, 67, 76, 149, 236, 242, 243 and 277
  • Train: Dalston Kingsland
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FormContent Rehearsing room 12-28 September A preparatory event, performed before the official performance, as a form of practice is what will take place during the different appointments set at FormContent's rehearsing room in September. Rehearsing is here not necessarily considered as an act — before — ‘the real' / ‘the official' / ‘the truth' but can be considered as a constant state, namely the practice. Rehearsing is thus foremost a way of working that tends to reject conclusions in favor of repetition and recalibration related issues such as repetition, storytelling, and the conditions of performance. The artist work is often considered as a result, an object in opposition to his practice. Here the object will be treated as an idea for a project, a state of a practice without diminishing its actual factual value but considering it as a condition within a certain set of parameters. The artists will propose, show or discuss a past project, ideas for future projects, give an interpretation of a project that already happened or perform For FormContent the rehearsing room enables us to think in terms of a programme rather than in terms of an exhibition. As a projectspace where ideas are developed in close relation to the artists, it is the practice that forms the connection between both the artist and the curator. By extending this point of view and opening it up for the public we see this core as a way to explore as well the programming of FormContent. The format for this project shows itself within its potentiality of conception and presentation. Friday 12 September from 6 to 8 p.m. Alexandros Papathanasiou and Asit Bhatt present The Art of this century based on Friedrich Keisler's project for Peggy Guggenheim gallery and addressing FormContent' site specificity. Accompanied by a text written by Zeigam Azizov. Saturday 13 September — Sunday 14 September 12 to 6 p.m. Roxane Borujerdi and Catalina Niculescu will jointly present their video works Friday 19 September from 6 to 12 p.m. The Mock, will be shown through some videos and performances of participants. Friday 26 September from 8-11 p.m. Jasper Rigole will guide us through The International Institute for Conservation, Archiving and Distribution of Other people's Memories (IICADOM). It is a fictive institute by the artist Jasper Rigole that started of in 1980. He will bring his hard disk with a copy of the film-archive and combine a lecture with a screening. FormContent is a curatorial project space situated under a brick arch on Beck Road, between London Fields and Mare Street (Hackney). The urgency to tackle curating and the importance of developing a dialogue with the artists invited are at the core of FC's aim. FC is a space where ideas can be experimented in a fast, fresh but nevertheless rigorous way, by artists and curators working side by side. FormContent is Francesco Pedraglio, Caterina Riva and Pieternel Vermoortel. FormContent, 347 Beck Road (under the arch of Mare Street, E8 4RE.) Open: Friday-Sunday, 12-6p.m. or by appointment (07824771125 / 07852 644 551 /07737 307 325). info@formcontent.org www.formcontent.org


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