

22 Jun 2016

Event times

7pm - 9pm

Cost of entry


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Asylum Art Gallery

West Midlands, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • 3/4/10/1 from main bus station
  • Wolverhampton station and a 10-15 minute walk to chapel Ash or Number 3/4/10/1 from the main Bus station
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Refugee week 2016 chose ‘Welcome’ as its theme this year. As p0art of Refugee Week, Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary are representing an evening of spoken word.


Paul Francis, Poet in Residence of Wenlock Poetry Festival is compering the evening and has written new material specifically for the night around the theme of seeking asylum and welcome. Another local poet, Bones has written new work for the evening that pulls no punches. Giovanni Spoz Esposito performs his poem ‘Valentine’s Day in the Jungle’ after visiting the makeshift camps in Calais this year as part of a trip organised by Stand up to Racism.

Stephanie Carr performs poems written after running workshops with asylum seekers and refugees at St. Chad’s Sanctuary, Birmingham.

Actors and actresses Jonathon Collings, Dave Pitt, Pam and April Hudson and artist Parastoo Duffet are performing works from acclaimed Somali, Syrian, Kurdish and Iranian poets and activists, Warson Shire, Nizar Qabbani, Choman Hardi and Simin Behbahani.

Music by Ni Singh of League of International Misfits. 

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