Red to Brown
17 May 2018 – 1 Jun 2018
Cost of entry
- Sint-Jacobsmarkt 59
- Antwerp
Flanders - 2000
- Belgium
The painting... oh my, dear reader, the painting! that age old medium; dead and resurrected over and over again. Spiralling in and out of grace every decade or so. The painters position, in the cruel eye of the art world, fluxes between that of a toothless hobbyist; a spineless romantic who is completely incapable of touching upon anything of relevance to the contemporary man, to one of being the purest of creators; a timeless seer who is in direct contact with, and supposedly having a lively conversation with, all of the old masters at once! I suppose the painter (and the painting itself) is somewhere in the middle of these poles at current. We have a relatively casual relationship with the medium today and can therefore perhaps approach it in a relaxed and more natural way; take it as it is without worrying too much about what the “outrageous” act of presenting paint on a stretched canvas means in a post what-not society. Those kinds of wonderings can of course be fun, and even interesting at times, but you won't find old ABC wearing a monocle rambling about the symbolic meaning of the yellowness of a good rijsttaart! Or will you!? Hohoho.. We’ll see. Anywho! In this fourth ABC-exhibition we will meet four wonderful artists. Some of them you've known for a while now and some will hopefully become new friends of yours. They all work in the timeless medium of painting, though some of them also dabble in lesser mediums such as the 'sculpture' or 'intellectual poetry bizzare' on the side. For reasons unknown this exhibition is called “red to brown” ...maybe the name hints at the movement between the two poles we talked about earlier? Or perhaps the title refers to the magical clay-ish vibes of this part of the world? Old ABC is not sure about this.. But I'm very sure that you and I are gonna have a wonderful time getting to know the four artist and their beautiful work... see you there friend.. and as always, looking forward!