

7 Oct 2011 – 19 Oct 2011

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry


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RED. The show will open on First Thursday 6th October and then run from 7th October unti October 19th We enter the second month of the Cultivate Vyner Street gallery experiment with an exciting multi media group show called Red. ... Featuring ANDREW LITTEN, CHARLIE McFARLEY, FIONA LONG, MADELAINE STRINDBERG, PAUL DIGBY, YULIA ROBINSON, SEAN WORRALL, CLIVE HANZ HANCOCK, PATRICK MORRISSEY, NICOLA ANTHONY, MARNIE SCARLET, DARREN MacPHERSON, ARNOLD BORGERTH, JOANNA ROSE TIDEY, DAMILOLA ODUSOTE, DAVID AGENGO and WOYTECK CHRAPEK The gallery is open from 11.30am until 6pm Thurs to Sunday, and by apointment at all other times. You find the gallery right in the middle of Vyner streey, on the corner right over the street from the Victory pub. Cultivate Vyner Street opened, with 22 hours notice, on what turned out to be a beautifully chaotic September First Thursday. We opened with a group of artists who came in and helped cleared out the space, together we got a show hung and a gallery opened on time at 6pm on Thursday September 1st. We actually agreed to take on the unused space the afternoon before, that night we put out a call for artists saying we had 22 hours to put together a show. We picked up the keys for the space at 3pm that Thursday afternoon, we cleared out the space (it was full of old beds) and at 6pm we opened our Vyner Street front door to a manic First Thursday that eventually involved lots of red wine and a rather unexpected invasion from a number of naked men covered in red food dye and honey. The naked men were something to do with a band who were suddenly there on our doorstep in the back of a truck playing live and throwing rather sticky Kristian Horsleth posters at everyone (nothing to do with us, although we did get the blame for the noise and the mess), the red wine probably came from one of the bigger galleries on the street At some point during the energy of the evening it was suggested that our next First Thursday show should have a formal red theme…. And so, one month after opening our doors, Cultivate Vyner Street's fourth gallery event will be a group show called Red. Just that, Red. Once again invites were sent out to selected artists. Nothing more than the word red was offered as a theme, responses were requested, images and ideas came in and right now (in late September) we're picking through them as we put together what we think will be a vibrantly packed and rather exciting red show..

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