Reading: hinter der flut blauer firnis (behind the flood's blue varnish)
12 Sep 2024
Regular hours
- Thu, 12 Sep
- 19:00 – 21:00
Free admission
- Mechenstrasse 25
- Bonn
Nordrhein-Westfalen - 53129
- Germany
Travel Information
- Tram No. 61 or 62 direction Dottendorf, Stop: Bergstrasse
Anke Glasmacher, Christoph Danne and Simone Scharbert explore the horizon in their texts, sometimes linguistically, sometimes figuratively, sometimes out of the moment, sometimes from memory.
Christoph Danne, the world traveller, has attempted to poetically survey Catalan landscapes in his new volume of poetry “Firnis & Revolte”, telling of the people and their lives there.
In her new book “Zur Stunde Blau” (Blue at the Hour), Anke Glasmacher explores the concept of language. Blue, often seen as the poetic color of longing and transience, references the expressions of Georg Heym, Hilde Domin, and Else Lasker-Schüler and further, symbolizes the particular speechlessness of our time.
“Wie es auch ist” (However it is), is the title of Simone Scharbert’s lyrical essays on Instagram as well as her current texts, in which she has preserved “Fund- und Flutstücke” (found things and flood pieces) from the flooded Erftstadt-Blessem. Images that weave into the memory of the flood disaster in July 2021 and give hope, not only to the people who shouldered this disaster but to all readers.
The three lyricists take you on a poetic journey, sometimes serious, sometimes cheerful, sometimes comforting, sometimes sad, and present to you an artistic variety of voices in today’s poetry.