Radical Thinkers: Nina Power on Fiery Brook by Ludwig Feuerbach
9 Apr 2013
Regular hours
- Tuesday
- 16:00 – 23:00
Cost of entry
£5 / Free to ICA Members
- Nash House, The Mall
- London
- SW1Y 5AH
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Piccadilly Circus/Charing Cross
Nina Power discusses Fiery Brook by Ludwig Feuerbach.The Fiery Brook contains central essays by Feuerbach, advancing his humanist and atheist thought.
Ludwig Feuerbach (1804'1872) was a German philosopher, whose departure from the traditional philosophy of Hegel opened a door for generations of radical philosophical thinkers, foremost among them the young Karl Marx.
Among Feuerbach's many works is The Essence of Christianity, an essential reference point for the Young Hegelians who saw the value in Hegel's methods but who criticized his idealism. Feuerbach's attempt at a departure from theology towards humanism opened the way for the development of Marx and Engels' Hegelian materialism.
Nina Power, philosopher, feminist and author of One-Dimensional Woman, introduces the liberating influence of this unjustly neglected philosopher and thoughtful atheist.
This event is part of An Introduction to Radical Thinkers with Verso Books.