23 Mar 2021
Regular hours
- Tue, 23 Mar
- 18:00 – 20:00
Timezone: Europe/London
- Language: Italian
- Join the event
A conversation with Alfredo Aceto, Vincenzo Di Rosa and Anna Franceschini
Istituto Svizzero hosts a conversation between Alfredo Aceto (Fellow Milano Calling 2020/2021), Vincenzo di Rosa (critico e storico dell’arte) and Anna Franceschini (artista visiva e filmmaker) on the issue of display.
«During my residency in Milan I am working on the dismantlement of idols and icons in relation to the world of objects. I consider a landscape in which everything is equivalent and in which we are not allowed to claim the condition of the object: where does it come from? Who is it for? Through what right, culture and cognitive process does it present itself to our eyes?»
The event is proposed by Alfredo Aceto (Fellow Milano Calling 2020/2021)
Speakers: Anna Franceschini, Vincenzo Di Rosa
I venerdì pomeriggio
I venerdì pomeriggio at Istituto Svizzero is a series of events dedicated to our residents. It is an opportunity for the public to learn more about the projects that they are working on during their residency.
H18:00 CET
Online on zoom
The conversation will be held in italian.
More info and regisration: