
Quatsch: Unveiling the Artistry of Lies

31 Aug 2023 – 2 Sep 2023

Regular hours

Thu, 31 Aug
18:00 – 23:30
Sat, 02 Sep
18:00 – 23:30

Free admission

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Studio 8

Berlin, Germany

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“Quatsch” invites you to an engaging exhibition that explores the intriguing connection between lies and art.


“Quatsch” invites you to an engaging exhibition that explores the intriguing connection between lies and art. Lies represent the creative edge in our lives, propelling us forward and inspiring our dreams while intertwining with artistry. Discover the game-like aspect of lying, where it takes on diverse and fascinating forms. Experience the pervasive presence of lies in our society, as they thrive in the spaces between our existence and relationships, constantly shaping our perceptions. Delve into the transformative power of deception in the modern world, examining its role in various aspects, from capitalism to personal growth. Explore the taboo surrounding this hidden world, amplifying its influence and revealing its significance. Unveil the intricate interplay between truth and falsehood through thought-provoking installations and powerful artworks, which challenge your perception and provoke reflection. “Quatsch” aims to peel back the layers of truth that shape our stories, inviting you to reflect on how lies impact our desires, fears, and ambitions, offering a mirror to the complexities of human existence. Embark on this artistic journey, unravel the mysterious allure of lies, transforming your perspective and redefining your understanding of artistry as you immerse yourself in the captivating realm of deception.




Exhibiting artistsToggle

August Zwieser

Julian Simon

Agathe Leray

Josephate Leon



Amélie Prévoteau

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