
Quack, Squawk, Buzz, Chirp; Make an ornamental bird or bug

5 Apr 2023

Regular hours

Wed, 05 Apr
10:30 – 15:30

Cost of entry

£3.50, drop-in

Save Event: Quack, Squawk, Buzz, Chirp; Make an ornamental bird or bug

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Be inspired by RAMM’s birds and insect collection and come along to make an ornamental bird or bug out of clay.


Will you sculpt the graceful lines of a swan or the enormous wingspan of an albatross? Perhaps a dainty hummingbird or a noisy kookaburra? Or maybe you’d rather delve into the world of creepy-crawlies to fashion your very own spider, scorpion or beetle?

We’ll provide the clay, you provide the imagination!

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