Protecting humanity: 70 years of the Geneva Conventions
12 Aug 2019 – 20 Dec 2019
Regular hours
- Monday
- 10:00 – 16:00
by appointment - Tuesday
- 10:00 – 16:00
by appointment - Wednesday
- 10:00 – 16:00
by appointment - Thursday
- 10:00 – 16:00
by appointment
- 44 Moorfields
- London
England - EC2Y 9AL
- United Kingdom
Even war has rules.
The Geneva Conventions form the basis of modern international humanitarian law (IHL). And on 12 August 2019, the four Geneva Conventions currently in force turn 70 years old.
Since the original Geneva Convention was adopted in 1864, IHL has helped to preserve humanity in times of war.
The Geneva Conventions protect those who provide medical care to wounded soldiers and sailors. They enable prisoners of war to receive messages from their families. And they facilitate humanitarian relief – such as life-saving food and water – to civilians living under military occupation.
To mark this 70th anniversary, the British Red Cross has created an exhibition on the Geneva Conventions at our London headquarters.
Exploring the history of the Geneva Conventions, it shows the impact of war on civilians from the Second World War to the present day.
We see the incredible resilience of people in difficult circumstances alongside the inspirational and life-saving work of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
Sadly, we can also see the horrific impact of war on civilians and some shocking violations of IHL.
These show only too well why people fighting on all sides must comply with IHL during wars, including the Geneva Conventions.