
Promenade : 4

7 Aug 2021 – 4 Sep 2021

Regular hours

11:00 – 13:0014:00 – 16:00
11:00 – 13:0014:00 – 16:00
11:00 – 13:0014:00 – 16:00
11:00 – 13:0014:00 – 16:00
11:00 – 13:0014:00 – 16:00
11:00 – 13:0014:00 – 16:00

Timezone: Europe/London

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Hosted by: Brian & Judi Green

Artist run gallery with an impressive roster of distinguished British and International contemporary artists.


Every season Tregony Gallery brings you more of the very best contemporary art though series of group exhibitions curated by Brian and Judi Green. Promenade:4 celebrates the beautiful Cornish summer and presents exciting new work from our gallery artists and welcomes Victoria Jinivizian NEAC, as well as international arrivals David Baird, Tom Climent and Andrew Wykes to exhibit with us for the first time. we are delighted to be able to share our gallery with you as a 3 D tour.  Navigation around the gallery is simple and fun and no social distancing required! See the direct link on our website.

Victoria Jinivizian NEAC is a painter based in London. Graduating from The Slade School of Fine Art in 1995, she has exhibited widely and was elected a member of the New English Art Club in 2019.

David Baird studied painting at Ryder Studio School in Santa Fe, New Mexico, he then attended classes as Studio Escalier in Argenton-Chateau and Paris, France,  the Jerusalem Studio School Master Class program, Italy, and went on to continue his studies at the JSS in Jerusalem, Israel. In 2019 he was awarded the Avigdor Arikha Memorial Scholarship. Baird has taight in the US, Australia, and Europe, and has been visiting faculty at Studio escalier since 2016.

Tom Climent is a painter based in Cork City. He graduated from the Crawford College of Art and Design where he received a BA in 1995 and a Masters by Research in 2011. Climent is a recipient of the Ballinglen Arts Foundation Fellowship 2016, mayo ireland. His work is in the collections of Central Bank of ireland, OPW satate Art Collection, the US Embassy i Dublin, Deloitte, and numerous private collections in Ireland, UK, Spain, France , US and Canada.

 Andrew Wykes studied at Epsom School of Art and Design before receiving his MFA in Painting from American University in Washington, D.C. and has taught art for over 37 years in the UK, Belgium and the U.S. He holds the Agnes Hulburd Conger prize for excellence in the Humanities for outstanding research as a painter from Hamline University. In 2009, he was awarded a fellowship at the Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Ireland. Wykes has exhibited internationally, and his paintings are included in numerous collections in the U.S. and Europe.

All the work is avalible to discover, choose and purchase in the gallery, online, via instagram and the website. the gallery offers a bespoke service to individuals inclusing art consultancy, curating, framing and shipping.

What to expect? Toggle


Judi Green

Judi Green

Brian & Judi Green

Brian & Judi Green

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Virginia Bounds

Henry Jabbour

Judi Green

Andrew Wykes

Tom Climent

Mark Dunford

Jennifer Pochinski

Ian Norris MAFA

Karen McEndoo

Kay Vinson

Ivy Smith

Daniel Preece

June Collier

David Baird

Nicole Price

Dot Wade

Richard Fitton

Victoria Jinivizian

James Bland

Sara Lee Roberts

Paul Finn

Susan McFarlane

Alex Cree

Gethin Evans

Victoria Atkinson

Claire Ireland

David Moore

Gregory Ward

Robert Jones

Chandler McLellan

Taking part

Own Art

Own Art

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