Private view - "Uncanny Playgrounds"
Opening: 19 Sep 2024, 18:00 - 21:00
19 Sep 2024
Regular hours
- Thursday
- 16:00 – 20:00
Free admission
- 6 Sugar House Ln
- London
England - E15 2QS
- United Kingdom
A group exhibition exploring the intersection of childhood nostalgia and adult unease through a diverse array of mediums
Uncanny Playgrounds Curated by Ana Paola Flores
@Hypha Gallery 1 - 6 Sugar House Lane, London, E15 2QS
PV: Thursday, 19th September, 6 – 9pm
Please RVSP through Hypha's Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/private-view-uncanny-playgrounds-curated-by-ana-paola-flore-tickets-1007437160667?aff=oddtdtcreator
Open: 20th September – 26th October 2024
Uncanny Playgrounds is a two part exhibition presenting twenty-one emerging artists. Part 1 is curated by Ana Paola Flores, Part 2 by Bernice Lin, with Veronique Chen co-curating both parts.
Part one selected works explore the intersection of childhood nostalgia and adult unease through a diverse array of mediums, including performances and music events. This exhibition is designed to be immersive, inclusive, and playful, offering an adult audience an opportunity to explore the complex emotions evoked by nostalgic playthings reimagined with an uncanny twist.
Sandra Blow’s work was added to MoMA’s permanent photography collection in New York this year, and this marks her first exhibition in London, UK.
Claudia Martignetti, another key artist in the exhibition, offers a thought-provoking perspective on the concept of nostalgia. She notes, “Nostalgia as a device in contemporary art is manipulative. It preys on one’s yearning, but at the same time is almost seductive in its familiarity. Nostalgia draws us to these ‘well-loved’ toys and characters. But when confronted with them as adults, we face a harsh reality: we cannot interact with them the same as we once could. After all, these playthings are created by adults for children, and in fact, reflect adult desires and ideas. These nostalgic play-objects serve as a reminder of the dissonance of trying to play as an adult.”
Part one artists include Sandra Blow, Claudia Martignetti, Jeehee Kim, Lawrence Kirk, Minori Murata, Arabella Simpson, Xin Huang, Milly Aburrow, 32, Janice Kei, Tong Wu and Teddy Bear Making Workshop by ArtyMcFly.
Including the public programmes: DJ Set by Delirious Blanc at the Opening Preview.
A Teddy bear making workshop Sept 21st.
Performing artists and music collectives: Other dates: Everywhere is Haunted, Lisolotte Klint.