
Printer's Picks: A Look at Priorities and Processes

14 Feb 2024 – 22 Mar 2024

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00

Free admission

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Presented from the perspectives of printers and publishers, this show features a selection of prints by Glen Baldridge, Deborah Bell, William Kentridge, Eddie Martinez, Sam Nhlengethwa, Sara Sanders, Dread Scott, James Siena, Diane Victor & more.


David Krut Projects, New York is pleased to present Printer’s Picks: A Look at Priorities and Processes, curated by Master Printer and Print Publisher Phil Sanders.  

Why an artist makes and should make prints, how prints are made, and the business of print publishing have been the main topics of conversation over the last fifteen years of working with David Krut in New York City, Johannesburg and London. No matter where we are or what we are working on bringing into the world, the stories about how and why a particular work exists are often as intriguing as the works themselves. As printers and publishers, we have a unique perspective on the creative process of artists because we are present for the decisions, the inspirations, and the heartaches.   


This exhibition is a selection of works from artists, printers, and publishers within the orbit of David Krut Projects in New York City. Some of these works have not been seen in years while others are hot off the press. Their unifying factor is an unyielding pursuit of the artists’ intentions. The exhibition features work by Glen Baldridge, Deborah Bell, William Kentridge, Eddie Martinez, Sam Nhlengethwa, Sara Sanders, Dread Scott, Senzo Shabangu, James Siena, Diane Victor and many more. The digital accompaniment to the physical exhibition includes anecdotal information about the making and the meanings behind each work from the perspectives of the people involved in their creation.  


For more information, please email info@davidkrut.com. 

What to expect? Toggle


Phil Sanders

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Glen Baldridge

James Siena

Sam Nhlengethwa

Dread Scott

Butt Johnson

Joseph Hart

Eddie Martinez

Tomory Dodge

Alex Dodge

Sara Sanders

deborah bell

William Kentridge


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