Primordial Bloodcloot.
12 Mar 2020
Regular hours
- Thu, 12 Mar
- 18:00 – 22:00
- 114-116 Amersham Vale
- London
England - SE14 6LG
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Buses: 36, 436, 171, 53, 177.
- Overground/East London tube line: New Cross tube, 4 mins walk. New Cross Gate tube, 15 mins
- Deptford Train Station - 8 Min Walk
A psycho-existential, sensory night hosted by our UAL Chelsea multidisciplinary collective.
Performances, interactive kinetic sculptures, a station of sonic experimentation, soundscapes with live elements, audiovisual works.
Artists: Rose Jenson Banner
Ruby Kester
Emma Caro
Maya Bracknell Watson
Christina Nteventzi
Leah Simmons
Julia W. Antić
Alicen Chynna
Amber Sherratt
Coco Guo
Daria PleggenKuhle
Thomas Kane
“From tomb to womb, entropic melodies of terror, echoes of the human errors, lucozade, Gods of the new bionic era. Microcosmic harmonies of melodious cacophonous endless chains of repetition, streams of consciousness swirling into a pool of blood an up to the endless ladder. Hypersexualized bums, motherhood, arms.
tic tic hail machine"