PRESENCE: A Window into Contemporary Chinese Art
09 Feb 2018 – 03 Jun 2018
St George's Hall
Liverpool, United Kingdom
9.30am - 4.00pm
Tickets cost £25 general admission / £18 students/artists. Lunch will be provided.
A day of workshops and discussions with leaders in the field. Inspired by the exhibition PRESENCE: A Window into Chinese Contemporary Art, part of the China Dream season in Liverpool.
University of Salford Art Collection, in partnership with Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA) and Open Eye Gallery invite you to a day of talks and discussions inspired by the exhibition PRESENCE: A Window into Chinese Contemporary Art, part of the China Dream season in Liverpool. The exhibition showcases the University of Salford collection of Chinese contemporary art which was formed mainly in collaboration with CFCCA, and which is available for loan to museums and art galleries.
The event is aimed at curators, directors, artists, students, writers and funders who are interested in learning more about contemporary culture from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the diaspora, and who might be looking to develop exhibitions, commissions or collaborations in the UK or internationally.
Held in the historic Court Room at St George’s Hall, morning sessions will include representation from Open Eye Gallery, CFCCA, University of Salford Art Collection, amongst others (to be shortly announced). The afternoon will include further talks followed by participation in a choice of discussion groups about how to collaborate in the UK and China.
Tickets cost £25 general admission / £18 students/artists. Lunch will be provided. Please contact artcollection@salford.ac.uk for any dietary or access requirements.
There are also options to attend the private view of Shen Xin at CFCCA in Manchester on Thursday 10 May from 6.00pm and/or visit the exhibition From Snapshot to WeChat at Open Eye Gallery in Liverpool.
PRESENCE: A Window on Engaging with Chinese Contemporary Art and Culture is produced by University of Salford Art Collection, Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and China Dream (part of Liverpool 2018).
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