Pragovka Gallery - dernisáž / the closing of three...
11 May 2023
Regular hours
- Thu, 11 May
- 10:00 – 18:00
Timezone: Europe/Prague
Free admission
- Language: Czech
- Join the event
Pragovka Gallery and The White Room would like to invite you to the closing of three exhibitions - I'LL ANSWER YOU TOMORROW, THE BRANKER'S RESISTANCE TO PENALTY and THE PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY OF SILENCE IN THE INDEPENDENCE OF THOUGHT. The closing will take place on Thursday 11 May at 6 pm.
Pragovka Gallery and The White Room would like to invite you to the closing of three exhibitions - I'LL ANSWER YOU TOMORROW (Adéla Kostkanová, Lucie Kultová, Veronika Nemejovská), THE BRANKER'S RESISTANCE TO PENALTY (Michal Kříž) and THE PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY OF SILENCE IN THE INDEPENDENCE OF THOUGHT (Marek Kvetan). The closing will take place on Thursday 11 May at 6 pm.
The catalogues for the ending exhibitions will be launched during the dernissage.
In their joint exhibition presentation, prepared especially for The White Room, the three young women artists confront three distinctive creative positions, whose common denominator is a diligent subjective search for the possibilities of communication through the medium of painting. Characteristic elements are the recurring motifs of destruction and decay, which are often followed by attempts at retrospective reconstruction, or the attempt to overcome the limits of the two-dimensionality of the image on various formal levels.
Curator: Milan Mikuláštík
Since approximately 2017, he has been consistently creating drawing diary entries in which he uses the most primitive artistic means to gloss over the stereotypes and purposelessness of his everyday life. In these haphazardly captured comments and reflections, imbued with the humor of a terminal patient, he indifferently constructs his autobiography devoid of biographical facts, reflecting the fragmented and illusory nature of his own personality.
Curator: Pavel Švec
Marek Kvetan's currently realized environment is thus a physical invocation of mental unrest, a report of probing the troubled mind, an interrogation and invitation to participate in expeditions into chaos that may yet restore lost meaning.
Curator: Noro Lacko
Pragovka Gallery is located on the ground floor of the 2nd Pragovka Bay. The building is 15 minutes from the centre. Metro B - Kolbenova, tram - Poštovská.
The project is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the City of Prague, Prague 9.
Partner of the project is Mount Capital.
Media partners are ArtRevue, Radio Praha, Radio 1, Artmap, Against Grey, GoOut.cz, Místní kultura, Jlbjlt.cz, Artalk.cz, Kdykde.cz, Citybee.cz.
In accordance with the EU Data Protection Regulation, we hereby inform you that the event will be documented photographically. By participating in this event, you automatically agree to the publication of the photographs on the Pragovka Gallery website and Pragovka Facebook pages.