Power Up
9 Feb 2024 – 12 May 2024
Regular hours
- Friday
- 14:00 – 19:00
- Saturday
- 14:00 – 19:00
- Sunday
- 14:00 – 19:00
- Tuesday
- 14:00 – 19:00
- Wednesday
- 14:00 – 19:00
- Thursday
- 14:00 – 19:00
- 2 Place des Quatre Z‘Horloges
- Saint-Nazaire
Pays de la Loire - 44600
- France
Travel Information
- (Stran network) Stop Quatzhorloges : lines U2 or S/D Stop Rue de la Paix : line Hélyce
- SNCF network) From Paris-Montparnasse (TGV): 2h45 From Nantes (TGV or TER): 35 to 50 min Then bus : Line U2 towards Le Grand Pez – stop Quatzhorloges Hélyce line towards the University – stop rue de la Paix
Technical Imaginaries and Social Utopias
Jeanne-Marie et Georges AlexandroffMarielle ChabalLe CorbusierJacques DomméeYona FriedmanVéronique JoumardMierle Laderman UkelesLaura LamielBasim MagdyLou MasduraudMaya MihindouGina PaneClaude ParentJean Picart Le DouxTatiana Trouvé
Amid an ecological crisis, Power Up dives into the universe of energy infrastructure; a sprawling invisible subterranean world that nevertheless structures our way of life and determines our view of the world.
Reversing the history of energy telling of progress through technological innovation, the exhibition looks at the social practices bound up with the tools of production and distribution. In a blend of visual imagination, speculative tales and ideal architecture, Power Up opens fresh perspectives, refracted through the notion of the common good and the female gaze – of artists, historians and researchers long kept at a distance from this world. It suggests another history of technology: more contextualised and intimist, close to the body, to affects, and environmentally conscious. By driving out resistance to utopias, Power Up asks us to nurture our desires for a different future: does changing society mean changing infrastructure? And for that must we begin by changing our imaginations?
With the graphic contribution of Charlotte Vinouze
Power Up, Imaginaires techniques et utopies sociales [Technical Imaginaries and Social Utopias] exhibition is a collaborative artistic project initiated by Géraldine Gourbe and Fanny Lopez, which is being staged in two simultaneous exhibitions, at Le Grand Café, Saint-Nazaire and La Kunsthalle, Mulhouse. The exhibition at La Kunsthalle runs from 16 February to 28 April, with works by Carla Adra, Jessica Arseneau, Marjolijn Dijkman, Hilary Galbreaith, Maya Mihindou, Jürgen Nefzger, Claude Parent, Liv Schulman, Suzanne Treister and Tomi Ungerer.
With the support of Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council