
Portraits of Children Oil Painting

7 Sep 2019

Event times

10 am to 5 pm

Cost of entry


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Lilac Cottage Studio

England, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Diss Station
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​Painting portraits of children is always challenging. The proportions of the face change as they grow. Getting this right is paramount to achieving a good likeness in the right age range.


Painting portraits from photographs is very different from painting from life. It can be very easy to get caught up with the fine details and lose the life in the portrait.  

During this workshop we will explore the different proportions in a child’s face and tackle the problems faced with making a 2 dimensional photograph into a 3 dimensional portrait. We will look at some master painters of children examining their use of composition and techniques. We will endeavour to fire up the students creativity and develop their individual style, to produce a lively study. Thus arming them with the tools to make exciting portraits going forward.

 Using a photographic reference.

Tutor: Lisa Puhlhofer
Level:  All Abilities with some knowledge of using Paints
Hours: 10 am - 4.30 pm
All materials, refreshments and lunch included

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Sue Ecclestone

Sue Ecclestone

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Lisa Puhlhofer

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