
Porosity: Live Performance

26 Apr 2019

Event times

6.30 pm to 8.00 pm

Cost of entry

Free Event

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The Koppel Project will host a performance by artists Julia Kouneski and Michelle Williams Gamaker in relation to their piece Collective Lung, Joshua Tree National Park (2018), on view as part of All About You.


Utilising the window as a site and as a membrane between performers and audience, the artists will engage both gallery goers and passers-by, in a multi-faceted exploration of embodied respiration. Their actions respond to the growing sense of collective low-level panic felt across the globe today. As a result of our increasingly busy lifestyles, dehumanised labour conditions, and increasing struggle to connect we are more ‘disembodied’ than ever. If anxiety (characterised by shortness of breath) is our current collective pathology, the performance asks whether collective breathing, in all its embodied intimacy, can carry us beyond this atomised state?

What to expect? Toggle


Alex White

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Michelle Williams Gamaker

Julia Kouneski

Taking part

The Koppel Project Hive

The Koppel Project Hive


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