
Poetic Dimensions: Render, Resonance and Reimagine

23 Apr 2019 – 27 Apr 2019

Event times

Private View: 23 April 2019
Tuesday 06:30PM-09:30PM
Open to Public: 24-27 April 2019
Wednesday-Friday 11:00AM-07:00PM
Saturday 12:00PM-06:00PM

Cost of entry


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Leyden Gallery

London, United Kingdom

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Presenting the selected body of artworks by three emerging artists, Poetic Dimensions: Render, Resonance and Reimagine is a contemporary art exhibition exploring poetism, surrealism and phenomenology.


Providing a fresh insight of the contemporary art scene, the exhibition wishes to highlight both the individualism of the artists and the experience of the audiences. The immersive exhibition space invites the viewers to actively respond to and engage with the artworks, going through what may be called an ‘elevation through dimensions’.

The display is curated by AND Curatorial and will be on view at Leyden Gallery, London from 23 to 27 April, 2019.

Yun-Chin (Raw 2.2), Anny Yan and Yaoer Zeng are open to even more opportunities to showcase their inspirational multimedia works as leading young artists of the 21st century.

-       Curators: Kitty Jin and Erika Xiang from AND Curatorial Ltd.

About AND Curatorial Ltd.:

AND Curatorial Ltd is a registered curatorial company based in the UK, we support contemporary artists and art students worldwide, curate art exhibitions and organise artistic events across the UK and China.

About Artist Yun-Chin/Raw 2.2:

Yun-Chin/Raw 2.2 was born in Taiwan and raised in Shanghai. Growing up accepting her mental health issues, the artist has shifted her practice from social-politically charged to more inward communication throughout the past year. She presents Hell express and Trash girl as communicative tools to appropriately express the internal irrationality. Yun-Chin will keep exploring the truth of mental issues in the context of art.

About Artist Anny Yan:

Assuming both the insider and outsider in understanding the possibilities in dimensions, the essence of Anny Yan’s artistic practice strives towards finding a peaceful balance in a seemingly interruptive or sceptical situation. Her installation work explains a teaching “the mind remains calm if intended even when the outside is in turmoil”, taken from Chinese ancient literature. The paintings, on the other hand, draw research from Buddhist teachings proposed as a theory that “man is an integral part of nature”.

About Artist Yaoer Zeng:

Inspired by Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl’s idea of ‘epoche’ in his study of phenomenology, the surreal works of Yaoer Zeng allow the audiences to participate in the practice itself and become part of it. They are also reimaginations of the product image style of Taobao (China ebay), which is formed by the coincidence of photoshop techniques, eye-catching colours, consumerism's industrial chain and China's social background, known as the ‘Taobao aesthetics’ in the words of artist Kim Laughston.


AND Curatorial Ltd: info@andcuratorial.com


Yun-Chin/Raw 2.2: ruorib@hotmail.com

Anny Yan: itsannyyan@126.com

Yaoer Zeng: zengyaoer212@gmail.com

What to expect? Toggle


Kitty Jin

Erika Xiang

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Anny Yan

Yaoer Zeng

Raw 2.2 (Yun-Chin)

Raw 2.2 (Yun-Chin)


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