
Otherwise Implied

22 Feb 2024 – 23 Feb 2024

Regular hours

Thu, 22 Feb
18:00 – 22:00
Fri, 23 Feb
13:00 – 17:30

Free admission

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Come join the unveiling of this collaborative drawing and zine project by 8 artists: Otherwise Implied


The Otherwise Implied project, combined eight artists, responding to the idea of body language and emotions left behind by shoes. This anthology has the original photozine by Elspeth Walker, and the seven other versions where artists have responded to the film photography. This exhibition showcases the works of each artist and the collaborative process.

Includes artists: Rita Chamberlain, Inês Miguel Oliveira, Jerry Florez, Andrés Panduro Valencia, Harriet Forster, Elspeth Walker, Boramie Sao & Jaffar Aly 

Curated by: Elspeth Walker

Zines will be for sale at the event and pre-orders can be made online.

Otherwise Implied

The Take Courage Gallery,

Amersham Arms,

New Cross,


SE14 6TY

PV/Opening: Thursday 22nd 6-10pm *

General Opening: Friday 23rd 1-5:30pm 

*All are welcome to the PV!

Sadly the Take Courage Gallery is only accessible by a steep set of stairs and is not wheelchair accessible at this time, we appologise about this, and will happily give virtual tours, and zine collections at reduced rates for anyone unable to access the exhibtion. 


Elspeth Walker

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Elspeth Walker

Boramie Sao

Andrés Panduro Valencia

Jerry Florez

Jaffar Aly

Harriet Forster

Inês Miguel Oliveira

Rita Chamberlain


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