

4 Apr 2009 – 24 Apr 2009

Event times

Thursday-Saturday 10am-4pm, Sundays 11am-4pm

Cost of entry


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North (N) noun: situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the north



Opening: Friday 3rd April 2009, 5-8pm (bring a bottle)

Then: Thursday - Saturday 10am - 4pm and Sundays 11am - 4pm

Until: Friday 24th March 2009

Temporary Art Space, Units 34-35, The Piece Hall, Halifax, HX1 1RE, UK

North: noun, situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the north. North of where? Position is relative and attitude is dependent on so many factors, not just latitude.

Artists: Callum Bell, Kevin Boniface, Alice Bradshaw, Esther Johnson, Milk Two Sugars (Bob Milner & Tom Senior), Luke Powell & Tom Blaker, Shaw & Shaw, Giuliana Sommantico, Adele Stevenson, Kate Stobbart.


Callum Bell

"In using that which is familiar to myself, materials that usually have an association with the 'home' & thus domesticity are employed. My logic is that, as I want to make work about things familiar to me then the work should start with the 'home,' as a concept, material & source of inspiration.

My intention is that in these artworks the viewer approaches that which is familiar to themselves in a fresh way, as I am challenging, provoking & using what is mundane to myself.

In Hut the radiator is used as a symbol of domesticity and its associations, such as warmth, protection and comfort through exaggerating these attributes to a hyperbolic state of physical excess.

The radiator is a microcosmical symbol of wider associations of a home. Here I am removing then re-using it as a symbol, exaggerating it in making a symbolic and impractical shelter."


Kevin Boniface and Shaw & Shaw

"Shaw & Shaw are photographers. They have been documenting the built environment of Huddersfield and the people that shape it for over ten years.

Kevin Boniface is a writer and artist. He has been documenting the people of Huddersfield and the built environment they shape for over ten years.

They have collaborated many times before, presenting their findings in exhibitions, books and live events.

In this show they commemorate the tenth anniversary of their first collaboration, the 'zine' White Dog Biz, with a selection of work from 1999 to 2009."


Alice Bradshaw

"I work with a wide range of media and processes involving the manipulation of everyday objects and materials. Mass-produced, anonymous objects are often rendered dysfunctional caricatures of themselves, addressing concepts of purpose and futility. I create or accentuate subtleties, blurring distinctions between the absurd and the mundane."


Esther Johnson

"Esther Johnson, MA RCA, takes a poetic approach to documentary and narrative through film, video, audio and photography. Her work reveals resonant stories that would otherwise be hidden or ignored. Recurring themes include personal histories, heritage, tradition, architectural vernacular and precarious futures. Her work has been exhibited internationally including Tate Modern; Tate Britain; BFI; ICA; Science Museum; FACT; Cornerhouse; Site Gallery; Sotherby's New York; NASA, California and the BBC. She has written for several arts publications, is an independent film/video curator, and is Senior Lecturer in Film and Media at Sheffield Hallam University. Johnson was nominated for 2008 Northern Art Prize."


Milk, Two Sugars

"Milk, Two Sugars is two people. We write, paint and draw, brew beer and make films and create galleries. We live, work and play in Yorkshire, the centre of the North of England. Nothing good ever came from the South of anywhere. We are the North. Northern humour, Northern Soul. One day, we might take this 'art' thing more seriously. Unless that means going south. Selling work, networking, applying for funding and being po-faced about our vision is a concern we leave for other people with plenty of time on their hands. We have fun. We are all flecks of dandruff on the shoulders of eternity. Think on that and sleep well."


Luke Powell & Tom Blaker

"Powell and Blaker have formed a creative partnership based in Huddersfield. Their practice is concerned with producing work where processes and materials are just as important as finished objects. Works are informed by interests in historic architecture, rural landscape and the rustic aesthetic. The pair use traditional skills as a visual language to produce unexpected geometric pieces."


Giuliana Sommantico

"Giuliana Sommantico was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1974.

It was in 1991 when she took her first photography course in Martinez Public Library, BUE, when she discovered the 'laboratory world.' So, after school, she spent long hours confined in the lab. She also participated in the group exhibition in Universidade de Caxias do Sul and in Universidade Religiosa de Sao Paulo, both in Brazil.

In 1993 she started her degree in Journalism. A year after she enrolled in the Photojournalism Course in the Asociacion de Fotografos Profesionales de la Republica Argentina (AFPRA) -Professional Photographers Association-, in Buenos Aires.

In 1999 she met the international photographer Maria Zorzon www.mariazorzon.com who became her teacher and Maestro. With Zorzon, Giuliana learnt photograph as fine art and history of photography."

Adele Stevenson

"My work explores the visual perception of people and how that is altered by opinion, preconceptions and bias through news reports and images in the media. It examines how different forms of representation within the media (both televised and still photographs) can affect, alter, re-define and often mask the 'true' self.

The disappearance of Shannon Matthews caused a media frenzy when the abduction of a small girl turned into a different horror of a mother's abuse. As the story unfolded the masks stripped away and figures warranting compassion and help emerged sinister and cold when their true selves became visible."

Kate Stobbart

"My work revolves around the everyday: the mundane, monotonous, ordinary, objects, situations, language and frustrations that most of us know. I use photography, film, sculpture and performance to subvert some of these experiences. I often use humour, partly as a personal defense mechanism but also because it provides a context in which to explore acute human experiences indirectly. I tend to use materials that are peripheral: fruit labels, clothing, orange peel, phrases, toilets and crockery."



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