NÓRA JUHÁSZ | Dark Side of the Moon
7 Jan 2022 – 26 Jan 2022
Regular hours
- Friday
- 00:00 – 23:30
- Saturday
- 00:00 – 23:30
- Sunday
- 00:00 – 23:30
- Monday
- 00:00 – 23:30
- Tuesday
- 00:00 – 23:30
- Wednesday
- 00:00 – 23:30
- Thursday
- 00:00 – 23:30
"Dark Side of the Moon" by Nóra Juhász is the second installation within the series "Insight", happening in the re-opened Puccs Contemporary Art, Budapest.
„In 2010, when I was sixteen, I went to New York, and in New York I went to the Museum of Modern Art. It was a coincidence that I was in the Museum of Modern Art the same time with a long-black-haired woman; sitting in a chair, facing to a person, surrounded by protractedly standing people, who were staring at them sitting face to face. That time, I did not know and I was not interested in, that the event I saw was the performance titled The Artist Is Present, and the woman, who was permanently sitting with her back to me, was Marina Abramović.
I just kept on to the exhibition halls.
Almost at the same time, the vulcan in Iceland named Eyjafjallajökull erupted, and puked so much dust and soot to the air that air traffic between Europe and the US was blocked. Our flight back home was cancelled, and I was exulting. However, I was alone with my happiness, as the volcanic soot, which, to me meant adventure, freedom and novelty; to the adults around me it meant danger, unpredictability, financial difficulties, missed duties, as well as solitude, isolation and neglect in this foreign continent.
This installation was not inspired by Marina Abramović. However, the substantive aspects of the work show analogy with the performance at the Museum of Modern Art, which, for sure, still would not stop me to watch: here too, one defenceless and concrete look means half of the artwork; and like in the performance of Abramović, the work would loose its curiosity if I would tell the whole story.
In the end, a brave pilot took us to this side of the Earth without being disturbed by the dark volcanic dust. The flight was shorter than the opposite way, because this well-known side rolled under us and we left the other side behind.”
Nóra Juhász (1993, Budapest) graduated from Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Faculty of Painting in 2019, where she studied applied scenography as well. In 2018, she was a Campus Mundi fellow at the Art Department of Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
In her paintings and installations, associative visual signs and elements are confronted; creating a coherent visual world through various mediums, where strict consciousness, as well as playfulness and fantasy are all at present. The “space” feature is principle of her works. Besides being an artist, she also works as stage and costume designer.