
More than Human Care Reading Group

22 Apr 2021

Regular hours

Thu, 22 Apr
18:00 – 20:00

Timezone: Europe/London

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Hosted by: NNContemporaryArt

Please book your free ticket via Eventbrite to receive Zoom details.

Join us for a reading group exploring care for humans and non-humans.


Join us in a collective reading of an excerpt from the book ‘Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More than Human Worlds’ by María Puig de la Bellacasa. Together we will explore the philosophy and ethics of care in today’s technoscientific world and will consider the possibility of creating alternative realities based on mutual care, extending beyond our species.

The reading group is an open and inclusive space, where we will be collectively reading a text, thinking and learning together. This online gathering will be held in an informal, non-judgemental environment based on mutual respect and care.

This event is a part of the Care, Custodianship & Collectivity online talks programme organised by NN Contemporary Art, Northampton.

Access Notes

This event is open to all. We will be reading the text collectively and you don’t need to read it beforehand. If you prefer to read a copy in advance, please email maria@northamptonarts.org.

In light of the current COVID-19 restrictions, the event will happen on Zoom – a link will be emailed to attendees. This event will be live captioned and transcription will be available afterwards. The event will be recorded for archival purposes. For help with how to set up Zoom and accessibility enquiries, email maria@northamptonarts.org.


Maria Cynkier


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